Wednesday 18 November 2009


Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams published Wikinomics in 2006. Along with Chris Anderson's The Long Tail, this is the other big idea about businesses and commerce in the online age. 

Wikinomics is a term invented by Tapscott and Williams to describe the impact of web 2.0 on economics as well as media. These ideas are useful for us because they take us beyond the media text or the study of media products into the realm of economics. The subtitle of Tapscott and Williams' intervention is how mass collabortion changes everything. So we could just as easily use this material for the We media and Democracy theme. These arguments are to do with media  including distribution, but also about consumption and exchange, and about human behavior. So maybe for the first time, web 2.0 has bought cultural studies and economics together, and that is important for media studies, as noticed buy Tapscott and Williams ( 2006).

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